Black Friday is almost here! If you haven't already picked your children's holiday attire do I have a deal for you.
For over 30 years, Hartstrings has been providing children with classic, American styles with a modern flare. From dresses to cardigans, from rain boots to pajamas, offers it all - and this Black Friday it's all 20% off - even sale items!
Follow this link for all your Black Friday savings!! Let the holiday madness begin!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Black Friday is coming...who is ready??
Monday, November 7, 2011
Speaking of all I am thankful for...
Today I am thankful to get to spend time with my stepsons who both will soon be beginning their first ever deployments, even if they couldnt both bet leave at the same leaves on the 14th the other arrives on the 15th!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Musings for the day...
How does the undead impregnate someone? This thought is the very reason I have never even started the Twilight saga....and hope I never cave....I will stick with Harry Potter and the Hunger Games, thank you very much!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
lHappy Halloween!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
back from the dead
Saturday, September 17, 2011
it might just be a miracle!
Unfortunately both Baby Waffle and I had nice snot filled colds by Tuesday night so I opted to keep him home Wednesday so it was my fear Thursday would suck. Nope! He did wonderful Thursday also!
When he got to school Friday he was very clingybut after I got him to the teacher he cried for all of maybe a minute and then proceeded to have a wonderful day!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Bodum Pavina review
I received a set of Bodum Pavina 9oz glasses to try out and give my opinion. My first thought upon receiving the glasses was Wow how beautiful. They are simple glasses that are hand blown and truly make it seem your liquid is floating in them. The description says they will keep your hot drinks hotter and your cold drinks colder. I did try them both ways although I never tried steaming hot liquid just luke warm but the glasses did not disappoint!
The one negative I found was really part of the beauty of the glasses and completely my fault. I am a mother of two small children whom I home school. I am sometimes frazzled and very often clumsy. As I mentioned earlier these glasses are hand blown and a wee too delicate for my fat fingers. I did break one a lot sooner than I would have hoped. Like I said that was completely my fault.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Errrr my experience with the social worker and her 'suggestions
First a little background...
So baby Waffle has become quite a handful since turning 2 and then going on vacation. Since we got back his speech therapy sessions have basically been a wash, well until this week but I will come back to that. So it was so bad after we attempted to start kindermusik (you would have thought he was raised by wolves)that I pulled him out of kindermusik and decided the bow could benefit fro. Some preschool (which I am now looking into finding a placement for him). I ALS ended up calling his caseworker from the CDSA who oversees his speech therapy and we decided to have a talk. I was seriously starting to wonder if we were dealing with something more in the Autism spectrum and not just Speech. So our caseworker arranged for the SLP to come out and watch a session. Now I have to say I LOVE our therapist and this discussion has nothing to do with here! Loch is the bomb and I would recommend her to anyone!! I digress.... Anyway, the SLP was thinking probably we need some play therapy and she also suggested we do some room changing which is what spurred the great move shift of 2011 that I mentioned hereErnst meeting ended with the caseworker saying that she would check with the staff psychologist and see if he had any suggestions. Apparently he didn't because a few days later she calls and tells me she is going to bring a social worker by with some suggestions and tips. Sooooo today was that meeting. Of course baby Waffle showed his worst possible behavior soo the social worker got a good look at what we are dealing with. Eventually baby Waffle did calm down and worked quite will with the speech therapist. I should mention I warned them when they came in that it was very close to nap tome and he would probably not be happy. (speech is usually at 9 am and they had switched it to 10:45 so the social worker could come.).
So long story longer, when speech was over the social worker chimes in with her suggestions. After she informs me that she has three children who she never even tried to breastfeeding so she had no real clue what she was saying but here is a suggestion on how to wean. She then proceeds to tell me how to keep him in his bed at night and how to implement time outs. All of which was insulting but understandable. The real kick in the pants was when she addressed my desire to put him in preschool. I have been concerned that three half days a week would be too much and she tells me 'I believe he would really benefit from a full time five day a week program, two or three days isn't going to make any kind of difference'. Oh and ' your caseworker can direct you to Head Start if you can't afford a full time place'.
I pretty much had already checked out of the conversation at the breast feeding comments (did I mention she said it would effect his speech too?) but this really did it. I have stewed over it all day. So my 'problem' with Baby Waffle is he loves me a little too much, too clingy wants me all the time....her SOLUTION is to throw him in a place all day every day so someone else can deal with him?? What is that telling baby waffle? Not to mention I don't know what head start is like in your neck of the woods but around here it is primarily the low income kids and therefore in all the worst parts of town. I'm sorry if that makes me sound bad but my hubby is a cop, I know the bad areas, it is a fact!
Also, he is starting to exhibit behaviors so we out him in a place all day every day with kids who are there because of behaviors and he cant even talk to tell someone whet has happened??
So anyone who reads this, am I completely insane for being upset? I am going tomorrow to see two preschools. I hope I am blown away and can choose which one I think will be the best fit....until then thanks for sticking with me to the end of this very long post....
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
time rolls on by...
Then we gutted my 'classroom' and moved the playroom into that room. Made sooo much sense because that is the biggest room in the house.
Now my 'classroom' has become what I am calling the 'teacher's lounge' in the smallest room in the house which also makes perfect sense because with the nice picnic table we
I really want to find a small bulletin board to make a calendar spot (thanks Sam) in the kitchen near the table but for now I am happy with the results. I REALLY like being able to close the room to my office and just slip away into the gentle protection of my 'coccoon'!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
More speech updates
Hi all, I know I know I have been remiss again. Things. We resumed school after a short summer break and jut getting in the flow and trying to get started with my classes as well....well something gets missed.
Anyway, the reason I have drug out my old blog is to put out an update on Baby Waffle. Since the little man turned two, possibly a little before that, he has started REALLY acting up. We went to kindermusik to start a new semester and he was a complete ANIMAL. I was starting to really get concerned but I believe we have now deduced that it is just his intelligence coupled with his frustration with not being able to tell us what he knows he wants to say mixed up with the fact that he is well TWO.
Our early intervention case worker mentions that the SLPs say he is NOT Apraxic. I told the caseworker I am still not of sure of that but what can I do, they are the professionals. We are looking at possibly adding some play therapy but now that I have been doing more reading on all this I am wondering why not OT. They keep saying it is muscle tone and oral muscular in origin, so if that is they case and it is not supposed to be Apraxia, then what more should/can we be doing?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
UPDATE on speech
Basically he hasn't shown a whole lot of improvement yet but the case worker says that the SLP has specifically said that Baby Waffle is NOT apraxic. I told her it is just a little worrisome that we haven't seen much improvement. I mean I realize it has ONLY been 6 months but then again geesh it has BEEN six months, you know? She seemed to understand and agree and told me she would see if there were any other services which might help and see if the SLP's think more therapy time per week is maybe called for. It really seems he forgets everything between times and it takes most of the 30 mins to get him back to 'playing' with the speech therapist. He only has maybe 5 or 6 words that anyone who hears him would be able to understand and maybe just as many that only those closest to him can understand. I will say he has gotten really good at getting his point across. He will drag you by the hand and make signs (usually ones he makes up and you have to figure out) until you get it. He really must think we are idiots because he totally knows what he wants and I think he just doesn't get why WE don't get it!
We also began discussing what will happen next year when he turns three. The 'umbrella' he is under now for assistance will end at 3 and he will become followed by the public school system. Now I am a home school mother and fully intent to stay that way but I have NO trouble letting my children get their start in life from preschool. Little Waffle met some really great friends at her preschool and truly learned alot. She was blessed to have the most fabulous teachers EVERY year and she really did learn a lot there. Unfortunately there just isn't the same financial situation for Baby Waffle as there was for Little Waffle so if he can get into the public school preschool and be able to continue receiving speech if he needs it(which if he gets into the preschool it will be because he does need it it so...) I have no problem with that! Heck if it seems like he would be better suited staying in public school I would entertain that idea too. I would just base it on a child by child basis!
Well I think that about covers it for now. Thanks for listening.....
Sunday, August 14, 2011
birthday boy and more...
Here are some of Baby Waffle's best bits from the last year, in no particular order!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Seriously how does time slip away so quickly??
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Trying something new..
So I haven't been neglecting you, my dear blog that so few read(but those few that I love and totally appreciate!). It isn't that I have forgotten there just has seriously been nothing to talk about! We have slacked much more than I would like on school work so nothing to talk about there but we haven't really done anything so nothing to say there....
Today however we are getting back on track! Actually we started yesterday easing back into school work. We got through all of language arts but didn't quite get to math, history or science because we had to leave the house for a bit. today we are going to touch on a little of everything. I am going to combine science with some art by doing a wax melt project I found on twitter. If it works I will post pictures and explain in a detail how it was done!
In the meantime the new thing we have implemented is no tv in the morning. Usually, Little Waffle is awake before Baby Waffle and me. And she will turn on the tv and occupy herself until we are up and moving. I told her starting today however no tv she is to use this time to do some fun reading. It has worked out well so far especially since we woke up before her. I have to say it is a little tooo quiet in here for me. We are so trained for that mind numbing background noise!
So basically she is to read until breakfast is ready then after we eat we will start school until Dinosaur train. That is her fav show so I promised if she cooperates she may watch that. If we happen to finish school for the day by then she may watch a little more after, if not tv goes back off until we are done. In the long run it is my goal to have the tv off all day, these kids have gotten so they don't do anything if it is on, at least I can multitask!!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Productive day!
Today has been a good day. Baby waffle has spit out quite a few words and pretty clearly too. I have heard him say many words but many of them, especially with the hard c starting sound still seem to come out strangely. It is almost like he is gagging on the sound. Two other things I have noted are that it seems when he tries to say yeah or any form of that like ya yes whatever, he will nod his head and his jaw kind of pumps up and down but no sound ever comes out and although he will say many words on request he rarely says anything spontaneously, even after all this time....don't know if that is typical of speech delays or something I should still be keeping my eye on. I am happy to see some new words so I am a little less convinced it is apraxia but yet it still strikes me as more than a typical delay(yeah I know we all think our kids aren't 'typical' even if it is for something like this, lol).
Oh and the one other thing, OF COURSE when I brought up the oddness with the hard c sounds and the chin thing with the yes/yeah stuff he wouldn't do any of it in front of his speech therapist!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Independence Day
Baby Waffle is such a cutie! I would post pictures but I had to give my memory card back to my in laws to let them get their pictures off, will add some later.
science wednesday
I found this kit from miracle gro on clearance at Walmart. It is three little pots to plant tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers.
So for 'Science Wednesday' we took class outside and got to work planting. I am really not sure why the kits were on sale, I only paid $5 for it, because so far it is working out pretty well. The last we measured the cucumbers are about ready to be replanted and the other two wont be far behind! Here are a few pictures of Little Waffle in action!!!
Finally, we had some sunflower seeds that we had been growing that we needed to put in a bigger pot.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
My hubby is a murderer....
Daddy Waffle comes home a bit later and tells me of the drama I missed out on. Apparently in the third, yet smallest, tree there was a nest. Daddy waffle checked the nest and saw it was old so he proceeded to cut. As the tree fell and slammed the ground Daddy Waffle said he was wondering why the Momma bird in a different tree was being so vocal and freaking out on him. Then he looked down and saw there must have been a second next which the tree fell on! One of the birds was smashed the other they have attempted to save. They picked up the nest put it in a nearby bush and gingerly put the baby birdie into it. Hopefully the momma wont reject it now. If the baby is still in the nest tomorrow I am going to try to take some pictures of it.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
this week in speech...
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Soooooo sleepy
I don't have a lot to blog about this week. We are on a twoish week break from school for summer (and so I can organize to prepare for the start of our new year, we year round).
The one thing I do have to say is I am tiiirrrrrreeeeedddd I mean sit down eyes close out cold!!!!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Day trip
so we took a day trip to the beach today. We were in the car longer than we were at the shore but it was still a nice trip. We knew little Waffle liked the ocean but after our last trip the jury was still out with Baby Waffle....not any more! He loves it and has NO fear of it! I took some great pictures and video but we just got a new camera and I haven't had a chance to figure out the uploading so i will post them whe I get a chance to hook the camera up.
On a side note, it is a fabulous camera and I couldn't be happier to have it but (of course there is a but) I hav eogtten SO spoiled between jy phone and my iPad I am so used to instant online publication of my pictures. I am not sure how to act with having to actually download to my outer and then upload to either Facebook or my blog. By have we gotten spoiled over all!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Vacation Bible School
Well mid week my friend invited to pick Little Waffle up and bring her home to their program at their church. Little Waffle was allllll over it. SOOO long story short, Little Waffle is walking very closely with God this week.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
speech update
our camping trip
So, a couple of weekends ago we went to the beach and camped at Huntington Beach State park in South Carolina. It is really a great camp area which also has lots of nature exhibits to explore. Unfortunately the only camera I had at the time was my phone so some of the pictures aren't great but I want to share anyway.
When you first enter the park you have to cross a causeway and to the right of your car you have to look sharp because there is a lake with actual gators! Little Waffle enjoys counting to see how many she can find. If you are lucky you get to see the whole critter, one time we rode by I saw one of the guys actually doing that death roll thing they do, but generally you have to look closely to see the eyes. We never had a chance to stop to get any pictures of this part though, sorry.
After setting up camp we went down to the ocean and hung out for a bit but then went back to camp and cleaned up. While Daddy and Baby Waffle got showered and started the fire, Little Waffle and I along with our borrowed teen walked over to the walking causeway to see what we could see. The gators are kept on the other side so no close ups of them. We did get to see lots of other little critters, fiddler crabs, minnerds (as Little Waffle called them) some clams, oysters and other aquatic life. They actually recycle oyster shells in this area to help keep the oyster bed going. We walked the whole thing and then went back for some campfire time...dinner, marshmallows and bed.
The next day we started with a visit to the Education Center. They do live feedings of the aquatic life and have a 'touch tank' with a sting ray that will actually come to the side for you to pet. The kids didn't want to leave!
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baby gator |
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"I am king of the world!" |
After that we did actually spend the rest of the day down at the beach. Baby Waffle LOVES the ocean (of course, he is my boy!) The tide had calmed down (it was rough the first day) and we all just had a ball. I am of course in NO pictures, not going to get one either not in my suit!
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I LOVE this picture! |
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there were more steaks, Daddy Waffle just has to have his burnt |
I have to give out big thanks to the borrowed teen, after dinner we left her at the tent with the littles and Mommy and Daddy Waffle actually got to have a moonlight stroll on the beach ALONE! It was soooo nice!
So anyway, that is basically our adventure. It was starting to get really hot by the next day so we got up, broke camp and headed on home. I just have to close with this one last picture.... kind of says it all.
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love that belly! |
Sunday, June 12, 2011
my HP marathon
When I finish the books I will do a movie marathon.....who wants to join me??????
Friday, June 10, 2011
How I spent my beach trip...
Everyone else is doesn enjoying the ocean and here I sit while Baby Waffle entertains himself in the car...what a nut!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Outdoor adventures
When we had our fill we returned to 'camp' to clean off and the set out for a little learning. We will go back on our nature walk tomorrow when I hope to have my camera. I will post pictures from tomorrow's Exciting adventures. I the meantime, I am being eaten alive by bugs so it is off ton the potty for me, then snuggling in between my favorite men in the tent.
Night all!!!
Sleep? Ahh who needs it?
Friday, June 3, 2011
ode yo Mother Nature
What is this crazy mood you are in?
One day hot
Next day not
Why must you cause me all this sn
Thursday, June 2, 2011
hurricane season....
OH and the real kicker is when she has left her own mess behind but INSISTS on doing the dishes before she goes to bed. I love that girl I do but boy she is a mess!!!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
since I have been nagged (SAM) ;0)
We have now made it a week and we are definitely bink FREE! I threw them all away last Wednesday and we really had no problems. At one point I had to take him over and physically show him where we used to stash them and the fact that no they weren't there anymore and that was it. He seemed to accept it! Baby Waffle rocks!!!
Oh and on another note, we have had one speech visit since my last post and I am happy to say that the assistant that works with us does seem to be taking a little different approach to working with him after the SLP saw us last week. While she was here Tuesday Baby Waffle took me by the hand over to the closet and pointed to the cups. I asked him did he want a drink and he said drink. Then he said it again for our speech worker.
Also while we were at a play date Saturday, he was giving some lunch or something and he not only signed thank you but while he was signing he SAID thank you. I wasn't the only one that heard it either. That actually is part of my frustration though, I know he can at times get things out but it is SO rare. I do see a little hope though so there is something. I am also starting to make some tot work for him to do that I got partially from his SLP but also from Tot School.
The downloads and printables on that site are amazing!
Well that is enough since this was only going to be a quick update. I will be back tomorrow, promise!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
An update on Baby Waffles speech process....
Oh she also said before we discussed the Apraxia that the asst thought I was worried about autism (which is when I said no apraxia) but the SLP said she doesn't think anything autism related should be a concern...which I didnt think it was but let's face it it is always good to hear that, lol.
So at this Point we are concentrating on eliminating the paci(done) and surviving that(will keep you posted on how that goes)and she is making up a list of activities for us to work on
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Waffles go camping...DAY 2
we decided to go have some dinner and visit some shops before once again returning to the campsite for a fire and s'mores. Baby Waffle was again running from his shadow and this time I was able to catch it on camera!
I will wrap up our adventure next time!!!!!
a little off the mao...
Anyway, we are just a few weeks away from ending this school year. We will be schooling year round though so while this year will end mid June, we will start our new year July 5th. I am ready to get to our new work so I can't wait to get through what we have left of this years stuff.
I will update more later and go through not only what we are finishing up but what we will be moving on to.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
the Waffles go camping...
so we are camping in a tent at the Myrtle Beach state park first day down it starts raining like itts never going to stop, the tent was leaking, everyjing was just wet! We were able to get in a quick walk on the beach and we were able to start a fire. The fire was the highlight of the night, Baby Waffle discovered his shadow! At first we couldn't figure out what the heck he was doing. He kept backing up in an odd way. By the time I figured out what he was doing and got the camera he had stopped but just trust me it was funny!
By about 4 am I was just through! Ready to pack it in and come home. I was sooooo tired of the rain but thankfully we stuck it time, day 2!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The aftermath!
I oils be posting more but I have been working on fi.ding an app for blogger on my ipad that is as user friendly as the one for my droid....WTH???
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Spring break....
So we are counting this week as Spring break and will complete our semester when she gets home. (don't you just love homechooling?) I am really glad they had this chance to spend quaility time together BOTH of my Waffles are going to miss their 'Fannyface'.
So anyway, when she gets back next week we will have about a month, maybe two and we will finish this semester. I should mention, she took a handwritig evaluation last month and I can say she aced it. She scored higher than 89% of children her age. Her worst area is sentence structure and that is mostly because we haven't really worked on that much yet.
In other news, baby has started with twice a week speech therapy. He seems to be doing well. We have a visit coming up with the actual SLP soon hopefully. Then someone will be able to give me an idea of what is happening with him.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Homeschool curriculum 'giveaway'

Thursday, March 31, 2011
long crappy week
In the mean time between speech, soccer, kindermusik, enrichment day, and gymnastics I have been finding it hard to balance school work too. I have been following a blog for awhile now that has a focus on working with a child Baby Waffle's age that I am starting to think has what I need to get balance. I am going to spend time trying to see how to impliment her ideas and hopefully that will get us some balance. (I will post a link to her site when I am at my computer instead of on my phone.
Lastly update on my school work not much to day here, with everything else going on I don't know where to find time when I am not tired BUT I do have a thesis committee so I guess that is something.
So that's it for now. I hope to have more to say more regularly. Until then...ttfn
Thursday, March 17, 2011
riding in my car...turn on the radio...
I hope to use some of this time to get caught up with so blogging I have been slacking on s expect to be bombarded.
So for now.....
Thursday, March 10, 2011
why i think home schooling is great
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today was a good day!
Monday, March 7, 2011
i dont think he quite....
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
one step forward, thirteen steps back....
Today on the other hand, I didn't even get out of bed until after 8 am. Baby Waffle had an awful night. I think it was because we slept with the windows open and it was storming outside. Now me, this makes for a fabulous nights sleep, the baby on the other hand was curious about every sound, move and wind blow. It is 10 am and we have just finished breakfast and I have Little Waffle working on some handwriting work. My kitchen is trashed and I have no energy. I think I picked the wrong day to skip coffee so I may have to break down and have a cup or I wont ever get moving!
Get moving I must, I have so much to do and when I get this way I just lock down and do nothing. I have pretty much decided, whether they will give me the financial aid or not for one more semester, there is NO way I can finish my thesis this semester, the forms alone that have to be turned in were late before I even started, so there is reason in itself. I will just have to find some way to pay out of pocket if they wont see fit to give me just one more semester to get it done. That actually helps because I was getting myself so worked up about getting work done that I actually couldn't do anything! This way I will have the rest of this semester and the summer to get the lit review done (which is good because I am still not fully sure what I am doing for the lit review!) and it gives us more time to get the actual research going that we have been working on. I am just going to have to find some way to actually get work done with these kids home. (and for anyone thinking well you could send Little Waffle to public school, well yeah maybe but SHE isn't the issue anyway and I wouldn't so it doesn't matter!)
Anyway, that is my story and sitting here typing about it isn't getting anything else I need to do done so I am out of here. If you don't hear from me for a few days it is because I am also trying to sort hang and price stuff for a big consignment sale. (it has to be done by Sat and I haven't even started! eek)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
why I LOVE the South!
Friday, February 25, 2011
for those keeping track.....
I HATE being in limbo!!!
Quietly bawling...

I am sitting in my quiet living room surrounded by Little Waffle's morning mess with Baby Waffle snoring away in my lap. I decided to take this time to try to catch up in my blogs that I have let built up, over 200 I am afraid. Anyway, the one I read first is from another home school mom who suffered the worst of all tragedies last fall when a dresser fell on her small son and he died. Many of her posts since then have made me heart sick and yes many brought tears to my eyes but his birthday was this week, he should have been two. The family celebrated his short life in a way I don't think I could but in their tragedy I actually found a little peace. I was bawling for the loss they have to deal with but also for Baby Waffle's issues and that was when I realized it can no doubt be worse. So I dried my tears and managed to accomplish a minor miracle.....Baby Waffle is taking his nap in his VERY OWN BED. (For maybe the second time in 6 months!!!
Not to teach little waffle some phonics and math!!
edited to add, Baby Waffle lasted in his own bed for about 45 minutes but then slept another 1 plus in my bed.......well, it is a start anyway!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The price of gas today made me lose my happy thoughts....
Then tonight Daddy Waffle came in and told me his friend wanted me to share some of my recent money saving discoveries with his wife. I guess that is because on Sunday I went to Harris Teeter (our best local grocery store that I love dearly) I I came home with $75 worth of food and only paid $23 dollars. I went BACK to Harris Teeter on Monday again picked up $75 of food and only paid $20. It was my first experience really working with 'super' double coupons (or really making an effort with coupons at all) and I am no HOOKED. Unfortunately that deal ended Tuesday but I have so many more things to share SOOOO I am going to make a new blog page for it. It will MOSTLY be local deals for my area but as I figure out where people are I will try to include everyone. I am by NO means trying to claim to be a pro at this but I figure I might as well share what I can right! If anyone would like to suggest a name for the new page I am listening. I just don't want to tie this page up as I am afraid I am going to have a lot of rambling to do in the near future as I learn more about what is going on with Baby Waffle.
Just to update the Baby Waffle situation, well basically there is nothing to update except that I am feeling more and more certain when I do finally get my appointment for his official speech evaluation with the speech pathologist we are going to hear that he has speech apraxia. Which I think I explained in my last blog but since I am not certain I will explain it again to the best of my understanding, basically he knows WHAT he wants to say but his brain can't make his mouth understand how to say it. If you are interested in more exact information it can be found at Apraxia kids .
I don't want to dwell on this too much at this time because like I said I am still waiting on an true diagnosis but all signs point in this direction and I would be lying if I said it wasn't just a little scary BUT for now that is why I am going to focus on finding all the deals there are to be found! I HOPE to at least get our appointment for the eval tomorrow so one way or the other I will update here tomorrow and I HOPE to have a list of deals started by the morning as well.
So off you go, enjoy Grey's Anatomy (or whatever guilty pleasure you may have!) night all....
Monday, February 21, 2011
Baby Waffle's eval was today
Well the just of the results are that he scored ahead on everything EXCEPT expressive speech. He is actually at a 0 to 1 month range for expressive speech (94% deficit)which leads the evaluators to think there maybe something causing him to not be able to make the words. Something gets lost between the brain and his mouth. They said he is VERY smart, just can't seem to find the words SO the next step is we are waiting for a call with information about his speech pathologist appointment where they will do an in depth speech eval and will be able to actually diagnose what is causing this and from there they will set up what ever other work we need to look into, the social worker in charge says 100% he will definitely need speech therapy but other than that I just don't know yet.
The one good thing that comes of going through the agency is that it is based on income and we fall into the 'if your insurance wont pay, we pay so you don't have to' range.
They did say he was one of the happiest little boys they had seen! He actually scored highest on social/emotional.
Well that is is for now. I will keep everyone posted as I learn more.
OH and in case you missed the update on his slightly shorter leg, we did see an ortho specialist last week and the doc seems to think he will grow out of it. So it is a wait and see kind of thing until we go back in 4 months for a recheck and compare the xrays.
So in the mean time, thanks for checking in and see ya later!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
just another day
So I was saying I have been gone for a few but this time it wasn't lack of desire on my part, just got really busy! School has been going really well and I just ordered some more curriculum tonight for Little Waffle. We will be adding in First Language Lessons in a few weeks when we get a little further in our Phonics work. Math, well I LOVE this math curriculum, Right Start. We are going over things that many government school children will never see... she is even learning how to use an abacus.
We have also started to walk again now that the weather seems to be breaking. Seeing all the birds outside today makes me feel safe to say SPRING IS ON IT'S WAY!!!!
oh, one last thing, I got more information on the Purex insiders that I got signed up for. I will be receiving their new products to review and post about on my blog, so look for more information to come soon as they told us we will be getting something sent out in the next few weeks.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
kassie, thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
how we wait for appointments
Thursday, February 10, 2011
baby Waffle from the inside!
Now in about a week and a half we have his hearing evaluation and see where we go with his lack of speech. In the mean time I have a ' lady' appt today and I am going to have him check all my levels to see if there is a reason I am so tired.
I am so tired today in fact that between the spots we have and me being so tired we have gotten NO school done. That is the beauty of homeschooling though. We are actually ahead for the week so it is ok we don't accomlish much today!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
[ice cream is the devil]
Back to math. I am really excited about math. We FINALLY got a curriculum to work with and so far I love it. We are starting at the beginning of Right Start math. It is very basic to the point I think we will finish book A very quickly but I wanted to start at the beginning so we learn the right methods.
My last point of interest from today is I am excited because I got picjedyo be a Purex Insider. I am not even sure what all it means yet but I feel like I have been acknowledged as a blogger!( corny I know but
Well I guess that is all for tonight. Ttfn
Monday, February 7, 2011
tough day
Then I go to Harris Teeter where it turns out the have ice cream buy 2 get three FREE( I know I know like o need that much ice cream. ) apparently I didn't think I needed it either because I left two cartons in the store! Now I am home eating like a pig.
on the other hand we got back on track with school now that food the most part we are healthy and little Waffle got started in gymnastics. She was so excited and did really well for her first day.
Oh and just as an aside I sent my wii in for repairs so no weigh in until I get it back.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
meltdown boy
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
quickie update...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
my little water baby
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I can't believe she is six!!!(and we all get to be sick for her big bowling party!)
I will post pictures from the party later.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I love school books!!!
I was also able to reserve our room for the homeschool convention we are going to in March and I am starting to get excited. While I really am looking forward to some of the seminars what I am REALLY ready for is the shopping! I still would like to get a grammar/writing curriculum and some more science stuff. I just love the looking!!!! We should have tax money by then also so I should have plenty to shop with.
SOOO happy stuff behind me, time to post a little update on Baby Waffle. It turns out our insurance doesn't cover speech unless there is a medical need for it (what would a medical need for speech even mean????) so we have switched tactics and my ped is sending us to CDSA (Child Development something something, lol) They are a state agency that works with uninsured or underinsured people. They will do a FULL eval on Baby Waffle and determine what or even IF any intervention is needed and manage his case. We start with a hearing test on Feb 21 and will schedule everything else from there. We also have a Ortho consult on Feb 10th to see what or if anything needs to be done about the short leg.
I will update this blog as I find anything else.
For now I should really get to working on my assignments for my own school work. I am outta here!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
my horrible night at Olive Garden...
While we waited, Baby Waffle was entertained by the balloons and by making his super tall cousins grab the ones that had broken free from the ceiling. Little Waffle spent her time drinking 'wine' (sprite in a wine glass) and showing off to all her aunts. The food was ok when they brought it, I was happy to find they have the soup,salad, breadstick thing at dinner too! Things got better once we finally had food but it was very dicey for awhile. Dinner ended up taking close to three hours. Once the cake came out the little Waffles were happy and Baby Waffle climb in the birthday girl's lap and proceeded to poke his finger deeply into the cake over and over to get the good stuff!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
crossing my finger for another good night for Baby Waffle....
SOOO my prayer for tonight is a repeat of last night, he was out by 9:15 or so BUT I put him in HIS bed sooooo we will have to see what happens. fingers crossed but even if he ends up in my bed I wont mind as long as he doesn't freak out screaming and wakes up as happy as he did today!!!!!
Night all!
weigh in day
So my short term goal for the week is simply one pound and no snacking after 7 pm (8 at the latest if dinner runs late) also to get exercise in at least 3 times.
Blog Archive
- why I LOVE the South!
- for those keeping track.....
- Quietly bawling...
- The price of gas today made me lose my happy thoug...
- Baby Waffle's eval was today
- just another day
- kassie, thank you thank you thank you!!!!
- how we wait for appointments
- baby Waffle from the inside!
- [ice cream is the devil]
- tough day
- meltdown boy
- quickie update...
- my little water baby